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Q: Can you get brain damage from a sharpie?
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What happends when you smell a sharpie?

if you smell to many it can lead to brain damage

Can you die from inhaling sharpie markers?

No you won't die, but you will have brain damage. The Sharpie has acetate as an ingredient and that is used in glue. So sniffing a Sharpie is the same as sniffing glue.

Is a chewed sharpie toxic?

My goodness YES YES. Just smelling it will give you brain damage.

Can putting sharpie in your hair damage it?

Can putting sharpie on your hair damage it

What happens when you sniff a sharpie?

You can get high.

What happens if you smell a sharpie?

sharpie markers contain volatile ketone's and sometimes toluene alongside other wonderful solvents. taking the occasional nip at a sharpie won't hurt you any more than filling your car up at a gas station, but sitting around huffing on one for extended periods of time is not a great idea because it can lead to, among other things, brain damage - in essence, brain cells just die off due to toxicity.

Are sharpie markers the safest permanent marker?

NO! in fact sharpie is the most dangerous permanent marker, because the scent and smell of it can damage you.

Why do expo markers kill brain cells?

There are toxic chemicals that are released from the markers that can kill your brain cells and get you addicted to the smell and the feeling that they give off. Sharpies have the same effect. One teenage boy tried to get high off of a sharpie marker and was killed because of extreme damage to his brain.

What is the difference between brain injury and brain damage?

The difference is that one can have a brain injury and not have brain damage. Essentially, brain damage is caused by injury or trauma to the brain. However, not every injury to the brain will cause brain damage.

What is the difference between brain damage and brain injury?

The difference is that one can have a brain injury and not have brain damage. Essentially, brain damage is caused by injury or trauma to the brain. However, not every injury to the brain will cause brain damage.

How high would you get if you smell a sharpie?

Not high at all. But, by constantly smelling it can kill your brain cells because of the toxic chemicals contained within the sharpie. I recommend not smelling a sharpie, and to avoid inhaling its fumes all together.

Do kids have brain damage?

Kids and Brain DamageAnyone can have brain damage. even children. some can be unlucky.