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Yes you can actually. I got mine from getting my ears pierced. Yes, just piercing might cause you to get a calcium deposit. I've had mine for about 13 weeks. I would recommend if you have one to tell your doctor right away.

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Q: Can you get calcium deposits on your ear?
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Are calcium deposits alive?

No. Calcium deposits are not alive/ However, deposits of calcium carbonate are often made of the shells of once living, but long ded organisms.

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Can you sand blast the calcium deposits with epsom salts?

Yes. This is done quite frequently in cleaning calcium deposits from pool tile.

What color are calcium deposits?

The answer is white, because what are your bones made of? Calcium!

What happens if you get too much calcium?

If you get too much calcium you may get calcium deposits on your bones.

Why do calcium deposits form on heels and the ball of your feet?

Calcium deposits on the heels and the bottom of the feet are referred to as heel spurs. These deposits form when the plantar fascia pulls away from the heel area.

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Calcium deposits in the back of your neck?

Calcium deposits of the spinal cord is known as stenosis. Stenosis is an arthritis of the spine when there is enough buildup to cause impingement.

What cause Calcium in eye?

There are several different conditions that can cause calcium deposits in the eye. These include hypocalcemia, gout, renal failure, and chronic inflammation.

What are two things you might find deposits of on the seacoast?

you might find deposits of salt and calcium

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can you get calcium deposits in your kidneys

How do you dissolve Calcium deposits on seashells?

you dont hahahahahahahahahaha