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You can get chlamydia from someone who is infected. The partner's cleanliness has nothing to do with it.

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Chlamydia is passed during sexual contact with an infected person. His cleanliness or urinary habits have no effect on the infection.

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If your partner has chlamydia, you can get chlamydia. Most UTIs are not caused by chlamydia.

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Q: Can you get chlamydia if your partner has a UTI?
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Can you get chlamydia from recurring UTI and candida infections?

No; it is not possible to get chlamydia from recurring UTI and Candida infections. You were exposed to the bacteria from a sexual partner.

Can a male mistake a uti for chlamydia?

Both chlamydia and UTI can cause burning with urination. Testing will easily differentiate between the two.

Can you you be treated for UTI and still have cylamidia?

Yes. The typical medications used to treat UTI are not effective against chlamydia.

What STD is similar to the symptoms of a UTI?

Chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, and genital herpes can all cause some of the same symptoms as UTI.

Do chlamydia and a UTI look the same under a microscope?

No, they do not. Please return to your health care provider to get specific testing and treatment for chlamydia.

Can you get chlamydia from a UTI?

Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted disease. Urinary tract infections (UTI) are not. It is possible to have both a UTI and Chlamydia, but one does not cause the other. There is no other way to get Chlamydia except through sexual contact; UTIs, on the other hand, can even be seen in young kids. Chlamydia is caused by bacteria called Chlamydia trachomatis, that is spread by oral, anal, or vaginal sex; genital-genital contact; sharing sex toys; or birth to a woman with chlamydia. Chlamydia can infect the urethra, which is part of the urinary tract. It can cause urinary pain or blood in your urine. However, we don't usually call chlamydia a UTI. In the US, at least, UTI is meant to signify infections of the urinary tract that are not typically spread by sex.

Can you get chlamydia from getting a condom stuck if your partner doesn't have it?

No she can not.

If you test positive for chlamydia does your partner have to be recorded?

The requirements for partner tracing for chlamydia vary from one county to another. You can contact your county health department to inquire about their practices.

Can chlamydia lie dormant for 13 years and you be able to give your partner chlamydia of 13 years?

Yes, this is possible.

Can a female partner have chlamydia first?

Yes, a female or a male partner may be first to have chlamydia. Although women have more reported cases of chlamydia, this fact is likely due to increased screening in women. Other studies screening men and women equally show that both genders are equally likely to have chlamydia.

Is a urinary tract infection and gonorrhea the same thing?

Gonorrhea is typically a reproductive tract infection, locating in the penis in the male and the vagina in the female. However, it is possible for gonorrhea to transit to the urinary tract in both genders due to the proximity of the urethra to the reproductive tract.

Can you get chlamydia from a chair?

No, you can't get chlamydia from a chair. It's spread by oral, anal, and vaginal sex with an infected partner, or genital-genital contact with someone infected. Also, a baby born to a mother with chlamydia can get chlamydia during birth.