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Yes, a person contract chlamydia in two days.

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While a single-dose treatment is often used, chlamydia can't be cured in one day. It will take seven days for the single-dose treatment to clear the infection.

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How does doxyclycline help chlamydia?

Doxycycline cures chlamydia. The typical dose is 100 mg twice daily for seven days.

What if you had chlamydia for at least two months?

Chlamydia can damage the body, but the germ is gone after effective treatment is completed. Patients being treated should avoid oral, anal, and vaginal intercourse for seven days after single-dose treatment, or until seven-day treatment is complete.

If you have chlamydia should you tell the person who gave it to you?

If you have chlamydia, you should notify all partners from the last 60 days so that they can get treated.

Who should you tell if you test positive for chlamydia?

If you're diagnosed with chlamydia you should tell all your partners from at least the last 60 days.

How can using a condom affect you after chlamydia treatment?

In order to avoid reinfecion with chlamydia, a patient must avoid oral, anal, and vaginal sex (even with a condom), genital-genital contact, and sharing sex toys for seven days after one-dose treatment for chlamydia or for the seven days of week-long treatment for chlamydia. After treatment of all partners and the waiting period are complete, condoms can lower the risk of reinfection with chlamydia or infecdtion with another STD.

Why do you have an odor two weeks after chlamydia treatment?

Chlamydia doesn't typically cause odor. See your health care provider for a recheck. You may have contracted trichomoniasis as well as chlamydia.

Why do you have to wait seven days after curing chlamydia?

Because even though you take the medication in a single dose, it doesn't suddenly kill all of the chlamydia bacteria in your body.

Treated for chlamydia at the same time as partner how do I have it again?

You can get chlamydia again if you were reinfected after treatment. You must abstain until seven days after both partners start treatment.

How do babies get chlamydia?

A baby would get chlamydia one of two ways; during vaginal birth to an infected mother, or sexual abuse.

Can a male mistake a uti for chlamydia?

Both chlamydia and UTI can cause burning with urination. Testing will easily differentiate between the two.

Where are specimens taken from for a chlamydia culture?

Samples are collected from one or more of these infection sites: cervix, vagina, or urethra in a female, urethra in a male, or the throat or rectum. But chlamydia cultures are uncommon these days. Usually other types of testing are used for chlamydia.

Do steroids cure chlamydia?

You can get chlamydia after use of steroids. But the steroids don't cause it. You get chlamydia from sexual contact with an infected person. You can get chlamydia from oral, anal, or vaginal sex; genital-genital contact; sharing sex toys; or birth to an infected woman.