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Yes, but it is an exceptionally dangerous practice for a variety of reasons.

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Q: Can you get drunk off alcohol in the butt?
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Can you get drunk off bloody marys?

Yes it is a mixed drink containing alcohol.

Can dogs get happy from alcohol?

well i dont know if they can get "happy" but they can definatly get drunk off alcohol if you judge the way humans are on alcohol it would seem plausible that a dog can get happy off alcohol but how would you prove such a thing?

Can you get drunk off of chardonnay?

No you can only drink off liquids that contain a high amount of water

Can you get drunk from drinking polyvinyl alcohol?

In quantities equal in a fifth yes you can get drunk from polyvinyl alcohol

What makes you get drunk?

Getting Alcohol in your blood makes you drunk. This is achieved by drinking alcohol or an alcoholic beverage.

Can you have alcohol poisoning but not be drunk?

That is highly unlikely as as alcohol poisoning would include an amount of alcohol that would render most people very drunk.

Can you get drunk drinking bloody Mary?

Anything with alcohol can get you drunk smarty.

Can you be a drunk in fallout 3?

You can have an alcohol addiction. So yes you can be a drunk.

What is in wine that will cause you to get drunk?

Alcohol. It's just alcohol.

How drunk would you get if you sat in a bath full of vodka?

not unless you drink the vodka, but if it goes up your butt, you will diewhy are you asking this anyway?the reason why you will die:when the alcohol enters your rectum it will get into your intestines before the liver can filter it out, hence to much alcohol in your blood, hence you die.

What does beer have that gets you drunk?


What does a large amount of alcohol do?

it will get you drunk