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If there is abuse or neglect involved, you should contact your local Social Services office or the police. You can become emancipated with a court order; if you do not become emancipated because of the abuse/neglect you will be ordered to live with another family member or someone else appointed by the court.

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Q: Can you get emancipated if your parents mistreated you even though you're still in homeschool in California?
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How can you move out of your parents house before im 18 in California?

Get emancipated.

How do you become a emancipated youth in California?

In California, to become emancipated as a youth, you must be at least 14 years old, be able to financially support yourself, and be able to demonstrate that you can live independently. You need to file a petition with the court, attend a court hearing, and show that it is in your best interest to be emancipated. It is recommended to seek legal advice or assistance to navigate the process.

Can a 17 year old get married in California?

A 17-year-old can get married in California if they are legally emancipated from their parents, or their parents sign a legal document. Once married, they can no longer rely on their parents for support.

Can you become emancipated and THEN move to California if you are 14 and live in Florida?

If you are emancipated, your parents really can control this decision or the money that you will spend on it. So, yeah I think that if you can afford it, your emancipated and you have an idea of a place to stay, sure. you can.

Can a 15 year old move out of her parents house with out being emancipated in california san ysidro to be exzact?

No she can not.

Can a child be emancipated without parents consent in California?

Depends on the child's age. You can read all about it in the link below.

What do parents need to do to homeschool their children?

Homeschooling is regulated by the individual states. Google your state and "homeschool laws."

Where can I get information if I want to homeschool my children? has a lot of pertinent information for parents looking to homeschool their children.

Can an 18-year-old be emancipated if her parents will not sign paperwork for college financial assistance in California?

An 18-year-old in California is considered a legal adult and therefore his or her parents no longer retain custody over them. Neither are the parents responsible for paying for the higher education of an adult child. The exception is, if a parent is required to do so in a child support order.

How does a sixteen year old get emancipated in California?

To be emancipated in California, a minor who is at least 14 years old must file a petition with the court, demonstrate financial self-sufficiency, and show that it is in their best interest to be emancipated. The court will consider factors such as the minor's maturity, ability to support themselves, and understanding of the consequences of emancipation. It's recommended to seek legal advice and assistance when pursuing emancipation.

Can a 15 year old move out without being emancipated in California?

{| |- | Not without parental permission. Until they are adults they remain the responsibility of their parents. That includes the parents determining where thay can live. |}

Can you get emancipated and get money given to you by your parents?

No. An emancipated minor is required to support themselves through gainful employment and not by their parents or public assistance.