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Q: Can you get in trouble walking around drunk?
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Did van gogh have trouble walking after he cut off his ear?

Yes... He kept walking around in circles!

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No, but you are going to have some extremely sore feet.

What are the signs if someone is drunk?

Walking wrong

What is a sentence using the word trouble?

She knew she was in trouble when she saw the red and blue flashing lights behind her car.

Will walking around nude outside ever aloud again without getting in trouble?

In the states I think that will always be illegal

What is worse driving drunk or walking drunk?

I think drunk driving is worse because you can get in a car accident, but also when you drunk walk a car can run into so there is no difference. (well I think so)

Can you be arrested for walking home drunk?

yes you can it counts as public intoxication

What flashes when its off and doesnt when its on?

A drunk guy walking home from the pub :):)

How many people in Europe die each year from drunk driving?

Always fewer than the amount who die "drunk walking".

Did Jim White find carlsbad caverns?

Jim white found Carlsbad caverns when he was drunk one day he was walking around the place he was at so he was a fat drunk and drank all day long like a fat girl and his nickname was Lorena

What causes dizziness nausea and walking as if drunk?

Most of the patients suffer from labyrinthitis.

What are the signs of hypothermia?

shivering,numbness, trouble walking