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Of course you can. You just can't get them in your uterus. When you open the body it is prone to all kinds of infection. Infection can be caused from many, many, many things. From the air, from equipment that is not sterile, from bacteria, etc., etc.

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Q: Can you get infections if your uterus is removed?
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How is the uterus removed?

The uterus can be surgically removed through either the vagina or the abdominal wall.

Can a uterus be regrown?

No. Once a uterus is removed, it cannot be regrown.

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If Uterus is removed is sexual intercourse possible?

The uterus can go; the vagina is still there, so the answer is, yes.

Will you have menstrual periods after hysteretomy?

No, you would obviously no longer menstruate after you've have a hysterectomy. A hysterectomy is where the uterus is removed, if you have no uterus then you have no uterus to shed (menstruation).

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The Uterus

What are problems if uterus is removed?

i dont think that can happen...

What are treatments for the rupturing of the uterus?

Surgical repair would be the main modality of repairing a ruptured uterus. In rare cases, the uterus may need to be removed.

What will be do after miscarriage?

The doctor will check afterwards if the uterus is empty and if it is not they will either give you medication to induce cramps or scrape the uterus. If not, you can get infections. If everything is out though they will not do anything.

Is it is true your butt become reduce in size after uterus removed?

Actually, no. Having your uterus removed sends your body into menopause. One of the more common symptoms of menopause is weight gain.

Is it possible to have two hysterectomies?

That depends. A hysterectomy is when the uterus is surgically removed. If the entire uterus is removed then a second hysterectomy is not possible. In the past it was common for the surgeon to leave the cervix (the lower part of the uterus) in place while removing the rest of it. If this was done then it would be possible to have another surgery where the remnant that was left the first time is removed.

Can you get pregnant even though you had an radical hysterectomy?

A hysterectomy is were your uterus has been removed. So there fore you can not get pregnant. The embryo attaches itself to your uterus. In order for you to become pregnant you have to have a uterus.