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{no,you have to be 16 years to get a license.}

Actually, every branch of the government has its own laws and regulations on this, like here in Quebec, the age for a 50cc scooter licence is 14, I'm getting mine this year.

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Q: Can you get license for scooter 50cc if you 13 years old?
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What is the minimum age limit to drive a 50cc scooter on the road in Florida?

16 Years old with a valid drivers license.

How old do you have to be to ride a gas scooter in CA?

You have to be 10+ years old but if it is over 50cc then you have to be 16+ years old

Pass test on 50cc moped whats the biggerst bike i can ride at 16?

Well if your 16 years old, there is no restriction to how big you can get a scooter. Its just that if you get a scooter or moped bigger than 50cc, you have to get an acutal motorcycle license. But considering your 16, you should have no problem.....good luck!

How old do you have to be to get a scooter license?

10 years old

Can a 14 year old drive a 50cc scooter?

It is not possible for a 14 year old to drive a 50cc Scooter anywhere in the US. This is because it is considered as a motorized vehicle and the minimum age is set at 16 years.

How old do you have to be to ride a scooter 50cc in nova scotia?


How old do you have to be to ride a motor scooter?

For a scooter 50cc , you have to be 16 at least. On a slower one, it is 12 and up.

How old do you have to be to ride a motorbike in Vietnam?

- From 16 years old you are allow to drive a motorbike under 50cc- You have to be 18 years old to join the Motorbike Driver License (A1, A2) then you can drive a motorbike above 50cc

How old do you have to be to drive a scooter?

It depends what country your in, the laws are different. The minimal age for driving a scooter legally in any country is 14 (50cc scooter).

Do you need a motorcycle license for a 600cc scooter in Pennsylvania?

Are you sure you don't mean a 60cc scooter? Because a motorcycle with a 600 cc engine is not called a scooter. For a scooter and moped with a 60cc engine or smaller, you need to be 16, attend a driving safety corse and pass a test. Because the scooter is bigger than 50 cc, you will either need a regular drivers license with a motorcycle endorsement or a motorcycle driver's license. In Pennsylvania the following rules apply for a motorcycle license: 16 years old for a learner's permit, 16 years and 6 months old for a restricted license and 18 years old for a full license.

How old do you have to be to ride a Vespa scooter in Italy?

14 years old, in texas And Italy, depending on size of motor 50CC-14 125CC-15 200CC-16

How old is scooter?

Scooter is 12 years old. scooter is 14 years old