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No. You need the consent of your legal guardian

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Q: Can you get married at 17 if you have your mother's consent but she does not have custody of you?
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If you are 17 and you have the consent of your mother who has main custody of you can you marry an illegal immigrant?

Yes, you can get married with parental consent. However, marrying someone that is not in the country legally does not change their status.

Can a 17 year old move out of her mothers home and into her biological fathers home without the mothers consent in Florida if legal custody was never established?

yeah I believe you can, I think you get a choice when you are 13 which parent you want to live with

You are 23 your girlfriend is 17 Can you get married with parental consent?

Yes, with her parents' consent you can get married.

Is it legal for someone 17 to marry someone 23 with a parent's permission?

Yes, if you have parental consent, you can get married at 17. Be aware that in many states, if both parents have equal custody, then the signature of both is required.

Can you be 17 to get married without parent consent to get married in west viriginia?

No, you have to be 18 without parental consent.

Can you get married in Pennsylvania or South Carolina when you are 17?

If you have parental consent you can get married in either state at 17.

Can you get married in Trxas at 17 with your parents consent?

Yes, they can get married in Texas with consent. Otherwise they will have to wait until they are adults.

Can you get married when im 17 without parental consent?

No you can not.

In New York if you are married when you are under the age of 18 are you still in the custody of your parents?

First of all, if you are 16 or 17 and want to get married, your parents have to consent to the marriage. New York does not have an emancipation statute, so they are responsible for you until 18.

Can a 17 year old live with her fathers ex girlfriend?

Only with the consent of whoever has custody of you.

How old do you have to be to get married in Mississippi or Washington state?

in Washington state to be legally married without parental consent you must be 18 years old if you are at least 17 you can get married with parental consent,, and if you are under 17 you must get legal consent from the family court...

Can you get married if one parent gives consent who has legal visitation rights according to the divorce decree but does not have full custody of the 17 year old?

No, but why would you want too. See related question