

Best Answer

void main()
void mul(int n);
mul(5);//Number to print the Multiplication Table
void mul(int n)
int i;
printf("%2d * %2d = %2d\n",n,i,n*i);

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Q: Can you get me a c program to get the multiplication table for given n numbers?
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How do you write multiplication table program in php?

// example of 1..12x12 table for($i = 1; $i &lt;= 12; $i++) { for($j = 1; $j &lt;= 12; $j++) { print ($i * $j) ." "; } print "\n"; }

How to write C multiplication table?

/****************************************** * C Program to print MultiplicationTable * * Author of the Program: M.JAYAKUMAR..* * Date 23 Nov 2006 * * ***************************************/ #include&lt;stdio.h&gt; main() { int i, p=1, table[10]; /* define integres and array */ /* *************************** * Output Formating Begins * ***************************/ for(i=0;i&lt;61;i++) printf("#"); printf("\n# Program to print Multiplication table of any number"); printf("\n# NOTE: To exit type 0 \n"); for(i=0;i&lt;61;i++) printf("#"); /* *************************** * Output Formating ENDS * ***************************/ while(p != 0) { printf("\nWhich table "); scanf("%d",&amp;p); /* takes input from input */ for(i=0;i&lt;10;i++) /* Fills the array */ { if(p==0) /* Stratagy to exit the program Benins */ { printf("Exiting\n"); break; } /* Stratagy to exit the program ends */ table[i]=i+1; /* Fills the array with numbers 1 - 10 */ printf("%2d x %2d = %2d\n", p, table[i], p * table[i]); } } }

How do you write program c of table 5?

#include#includevoid main(){ int a,i;printf("\nThe Multiplication table of 5 is:\n");for(i=1;i

Write an Algorithm for multiplication table of an integer?

int firstNumber,secondNumber for(firstNumber = min; firstNumber &lt;= max; firstNumber++); { for(secondNumber = min; secondNumber &lt;=max; secondNumber++); int result firstNumber * secondNumber; }

How Write javascript program to display multiplication table of 2 without accepting input from user?

Use a counted for loop. On each iteration, multiply the control variable by 2 and print the result.

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Describe the pattern the square numbers make on the multiplication table?

describe the pattern the square numbers make on the multiplication table

Could there be a number in the 2s column on the multiplication table that ends in 5?

All numbers in the 2s column on the multiplication table end in the even numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, or 0.

What type of numbers is found an odd number of times in a multiplication table?

Single digit numbers is not correct. Squares of numbers will appear odd number of times in a multiplication table: 1&sup2;, 2&sup2;, 3&sup2;, 4&sup2;, 5&sup2;, 7&sup2;, etc....

What is multiplication table?

It is a table that shows the product of two integers. It usually goes from the numbers 1-12.

What is the relationship between the multiplication table and prime numbers?

Any number that isn't on the list of products in an infinitely large multiplication table (excluding the 1s lines) is a prime.

What is a sentence using the word multiplication?

I memorized the multiplication table in fourth grade.

Which multiplication table does the numbers 3 8 12 24 all appear in?

The three times table and the one times table.

How do you solve a multiplication problem?

Multiplication problems can be solved by consulting a multiplication table. Large numbers can be multiplied using a technique called Long Multiplication. One can also use an electronic calculator.

Write the square numbers between 1 and 40 describe the pattern the square numbers make on the multiplication table?


What pattern do square numbers make on the multiplication table?

The squares make a diagonal line.123456789101112112345678910111222468101214161820222433691215182124273033364481216202428323640444855101520253035404550556066121824303642485460667277142128354249566370778488162432404856647280889699182736455463728190991081010203040506070809010011012011112233445566778899110121132121224364860728496108120132144

Where can I find a multiplication table printable? this is a printable multiplication table. Multiplication doesn't change no matter what grade so just leave the chart as is.

C program that prints out multiplication table of any given numbers?

/* Program to prepare Table of any no. using while loop*/ #include #include void main() { int n,t,count=1; clrscr(); printf("Enter any number\n\n"); scanf("%d",&amp;n); while(count&lt;=10) { t=n*count; printf("\n%d*%d=%d",n,count,t); count++; } getch(); }