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You can! If you haven't got your memory you will have ANAESTHESIA. You can cure it just use these steps. (these are what I found out so I'm not actually saying the will work)

3.Stay in bed until you can remember at least five things. (EG. Friends, Name, Favourite place ETC)

2. Use hypnotis

1. See a doctor

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Q: Can you get memory back
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How do you clear the memory on a DS?

Is there not a reset button on the back? If not, then take out the battery, and the memory. THen out them back in after taking them out for 20 seconds.

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Yes they do

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Ilia gets her memory back around the near end of the game.

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when they get to the adabat temple his memory talks to chip and then he got his memory back remember when he said something a bout a whight thing fall ing from the sky that was hiss memory

Does Peeta get his memory back in Mockingjay?

He doesn't get it back but he asks Katniss a series of questions that fill him in. It's as if he's back to normal, but I wish that he could get his original memory back to normal.

Is there any way to get Illia's memory back in Twilight Princess?

Yes. You will go on a quest near the end of the game to get her memory back.

Do you get back YOUR used memory if you use PC restor on windows vista?

If its RAM Memory then yes, but if its Hardrive Memory, then it depends, PC Restore doesn't delete most of your files, so you won't get that memory back, although, if its a program installed, then it'll undo that installation and you will get that memory back. RAM Memory restores everytime you turn on your computer and is used by however many programs you are running.

Does the main character in PMD get their memory back?
