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Q: Can you get mono if someone spit on your lip?
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Could someone elses spit on your lip make it into your mouth and give you hiv?

The answer would be no. If the person spit blood into your mouth and you had a sore then YES. Spit will not give you HIV.

What does it mean when you bite your lip?

you're nervous...... well that's what i do so i think it's pretty general for everyone else.

What is a kissing deases?

Kissing deases are sicknesses that can be given to another person by kissing or swapping spit. Like mono.

Can someone's spit cause you harm?

If someone were to spit on your intact skin, then probably not. But if they were to spit into your open mouth, into an open wound, or into a mucous membrane like your eye, then if they were carrying a disease then it may be able to infect you.

How can you tell when someone is unconscious?

you spit in their mouth

Why do you have a huge lip?

well there is a disese called jamie disease were your lip swells up because of all the spit building up when you talk. This may cuse slight slobbering and twiches that can be quite voiloent

Can you get mono from being around someone with mono?

Yes, you can. Mononucleosis is commonly called the 'kissing disease', but you don't have to kiss someone in order to get it. It is like any other virus and can be transmitted through any contact with an infected person. You can even get it from someone not showing any symptoms who has had it before, because once you've had mono it stays in your body forever. It can reactivate in someone without any symptoms and be passed to others.

How much kissing do you have to do to get mono?

Mono is not caused by a great amount of kissing. All it takes is that you kiss someone who already has the virus.

Can you get mono from playing the flute?

if someone recently put their saliva all over it, then yeah. but its not likely unless they are contagious with mono.

Can you spread mono in swimming pool?

I think I did, I am a waterpolo player someone had mono in the pool, now two of us have it do far.

What cause the Arab spit?

Arabs typically spit if they are disgusted with someone's opinion or if they have too much saliva in their mouths.

What dont you have to spit when using snus?

Snus contains fewer toxins and is meant to be placed in the upper lip, where it does not come into contact with saliva.