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No, you can't it's impossible. No matter can go at the speed of light.

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Q: Can you get off a horse when it is moving at light speed?
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If the Flash was moving at the speed of light wouldn't the friction from the air burn his face off?

He is protected by the "Speed Force" - the thing that allows him to go so damn-diggety fast in the first place.

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What is the highest gate in a horses speed?

Gallop is the highest speed a horse can go. Gallop is when a hooves can be off the ground!

How do you find the speed of light?

Turn your light off then on, how long time does it takes. There you got the speed of light !!!! 300,000 km a sec is fast.

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By having the problem repaired that caused the light to come on and speed to be reduced.

How fast does a 757 have to go in order to get off the ground?

It need to be moving at a speed of 160 MPH to lift off.

Can you see the stars if you travel at light speed?

If you set off at light speed then if you look behind you everything will look exactly like at the moment you left.

Can a horse go faster than a bolt?

A "bolt" is not a gait, it is simply when a horse takes off unexpectedly. The fastest speed a horse can travel is at a gallop when they can reach speeds of 40 MPH.

Does lightning go at the speed of light?

The speed of light is always constant. In air or vacuum, it is 299,792,458 m/s.

What speed does light move?

The speed of light is exactly 299,792,458 m/s through a vacuum. When light is travelling through something other than empty space, the speed of light is less. This is not saying that the speed of light, c, slows down. This is merely saying that as the light bounces off molecules, it takes longer to reach its destination.

Looking at the ground beside a moving vehicle ensure that the are off?

Looking at the ground beside a moving vehicle ensures you see if they are coming into your lane or not.

When someone go with an infinity speed the time will stop as a picture so when you look a picture very well that mean you go with an infinity speed around the picture or the reverse?

Its not infinity speed, when you got with the same speed as light moving away from the object your watching, than time will appear to be stop-ed (it isn't, it only looks like it). When you go faster than light time Will appear to go backward (2x the speed of light = same speed backward). You can see light speed as 1 (normal) if you travel the same speed as light it is 1 -1(your speed) and is 0. If you would travel 5x the speed of light it would be 1 -5(your speed) and will result in -4 so things would appear to go backward with 4x the speed. A picture is just a moment captured on a piece of paper (just how it was like when it was taken). it doesn't move, its not traveling with infinity speed. light bounces off that object into your eye's and that's why you see it how it is.