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The short answer is yes you can but its kinda rare, most cases of penile cancer are in men over 40 but we have seen cases in boys as young as 14. the good news is if its caught early, its treatable with good success's. the bad news is the gold standard treatment is to have you penis amputated. i know this sounds extreme but its really not as bad as it sounds, your body is quick to adjust and it also depends on how much of your penis has to be cut off. generally we like to amputate the penis at least 2 cm below the tumor, how ever if we cant leave at least a 1" stump, its best to cut the entire penis off as less than 1" will not be enoungh to pee standings up of for having sex, at this point your urine would be re-routed to a new hole behind your balls and as for sex, you would be required to wear a strap-on type prosthesis.

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Yes it is highly possible

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Q: Can you get penile cancer at 16?
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Who is affected by Penile cancer but does not have Penile cancer and how does it affect them?

You can be affected by Penile cancer even if you don't or haven't had Penile cancer. For example- say their was a lady called Sue and she had a daughter called Olivia but Sue also has Penile cancer. Olivia would also be affected. It would affect her in a sad kind of way. I mean Olivia would be worried and upset. So Penile cancer can also affect those without Penile cancer just as much as it dose affect those who do have Penile cancer. So you really should not make jokes about anything to do with Penile cancer, unless everyone is OK with you making the joke and won't get upset and tell on you.

Is there such thing as penile cancer?


Where can you see a photo of penile cancer?

Google" Penile Cancer" & choose "IMAGES" rather than links & you will be more than well served.

Can penile cancer be caused by a yeast infection?


What are the symptoms of penile cancer?

The main symptom of penile cancer is a change in the skin of the penile. The skin may change color, become thicker, or tissue may build up in one area. Some men may notice an ulcer (sore) or a lump on the penile.

What did Diego Rivera die of?

He suffered from penile cancer, but it did not kill him. A heart attack did.

Does hpv cause cancer in males?

HPV can cause anal, penile, and head and neck cancers in males.

Do men get cervical cancer?

Testicular cancer and penile cancer, are the only two types of cancer which are found found only in men.Ovarian cancer, Cervical cancer, and Uterine cancer, are the only 3 types of cancer not found in men.Both sexes can get breast cancer, as well as all of the other carcinomas.

What is penile?

Pertaining to the penis, e.g., penile fracture or penile implant.

Ok im 16 and my penile length is 6 inches and my circumference is 4.5 inches is that average?

no this is very small!

How is penile cancer treated?

Penile cancer is usually treated with a combination of surgery and radiation therapy. A doctor may recommend partial or total amputation of the penis, lymph nodes and adjacent tissue as necessary. If the disease is diagnosed early, patients are often able to preserve enough of the organ for urination and sexual activity. Microsurgery may be performed to remove cancerous tissue and the smallest amount of normal tissue. Another option is laser surgery, where an intense, precisely focused bean of light is used to dissolve or burn away cancer cells. Radiation therapy may be used to enhance the effects of surgery or as an alternative to surgery. In addition, superficial penile cancers that are limited to a small area can be treated with a medication that is applied as a cream directly to the skin of the penis. More advanced penile cancer may require systemic treatments with chemotherapy. These drugs enter the bloodstream and kill cancer cells that have spread to any part of the body.

Do 16 get colon cancer?

Age 16? No.