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Q: Can you get poision ivy in lungs by cutting it with a weedeater while it is wet?
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Can you get poison ivy in my lungs by cutting it with a weedeater while the ground is wet?

It is possible that the oils would become airborne when shredded with a weed eater.

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Carbon monoxide is a poision, it should not be present in any hospital.

Will you not cry if you chew gum while cutting onions?

it is true that if you chew gum while cutting onions you will not cry

Can you get frostbite in your lungs?

You cannot get frostbite on your lungs -- your nose and throat warms inhaled air, while circulating blood warms the lungs.

How does blood entering the lungs differ from blood leaving the lungs?

The blood leaving the lungs is loaded with oxygen, while blood entering the lungs is about to get oxygen from the respiratory system.

The blood receives this in lungs?

In the lungs, the blood receives O2 while getting rid of CO2

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What is some good cutting songs?

It depends upon what you're cutting. If you're cutting wood or sod, you might want different music from what you would listen to while cutting yourself.

Why is strip cutting better than clear cutting?

.Clear cutting takes all of the trees in an area while strip cutting takes a narrow strip of trees and allows it to regenerate.

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What says good form cutting wood?

If somebody has good form while cutting wood I would call them a lumberjack.