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No, unless a poison ivy plant is caught in the branches of the tree.

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Q: Can you get poison ivy from a Christmas tree?
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How does the author show emotion in the poison ivy tree?

The Ivy tree itself is beautiful but it's what's inside that counts and in this case, it is poison!

How does poison ivy grow?

Poison ivy can grow as tall as a tree. That is because poison ivy can be in identified in two forms: bush or vine. A poison ivy vine can creep up a tree and sometimes this kills the tree. The bush form can be as high as a doorway. The bush form will grow among other plants ( like your outdoor garden!) or at the edge of fields.

Does poison ivy grow on a vine plant tree or all three?

Poison ivy is ivy,which is a vine plant. It's usually low on the ground but sometimes can grow tall enough that it attaches to the tree

How does poison grow?

Poison ivy can grow as tall as a tree. That is because poison ivy can be in identified in two forms: bush or vine. A poison ivy vine can creep up a tree and sometimes this kills the tree. The bush form can be as high as a doorway. The bush form will grow among other plants ( like your outdoor garden!) or at the edge of fields.

Can round up be used on a poison ivy vine growing up a tree?

It is not particularly effective. However roundup does sell a special herbicide for poison ivy.

If poison ivy gets on honeysuckles and you drink the honey will you get poison ivy?

No, you will not get poison ivy.

What is the tagalog of poison ivy?

poison ivy

Who is Poison Ivy's boyfriend?

Poison Ivy has no boyfriend.

Can babies get poison ivy?

Anyone can get Poison Ivy if you are allergic to it.

What is ivy leaf?

Ivy leaf is poison ivy. Poison ivy is a leaf that gives you a bad itchy rash.

How do you rid of poison?

If you are near the ocean anywhere, get into the water, lightly break the poison ivy blisters with sand and let the ocean water get at it. This dries up poison ivy faster than any other treatment I know. This can get rid of poison ivy in just a day or two. other means include,applying tea tree oil or aloe vera.You can get rid of Poison Ivy rashes by immediately rinsing your skin when the poison ivy strikes, rubbing the skin with some alcohol, or by taking an antihistamine.

What if your poison ivy bubble is big?

If the poison ivy bubble is big it is not poison ivy but rather poison oak the same remities apply for ridding yourself of it