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Yes, poison ivy plants have an oil coating on their leaves. If an animal or even a garden tool comes in contact with poison ivy and gets the oils on it you can get the oil on your skin through contact with that object. A delayed reaction to the oil is what causes the poison ivy rash. Technu and other companies sell a "soap"made for dissolving poison ivy oils off your skin, your pets, clothes, or even garden tools.

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Q: Can you get poison ivy if you touch something that has been in it?
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What plant is poisonous to the touch?

poison ivy

Is poison ivy important?

poison ivy is very important!! if you touch it or anything it gives you an itchy rash like feeling.

Can you get poison ivy from another person if they have washed their bodies?

It depends on if they cleaned really thoroughly. You can get it if you burn it or if someone with poison ivy touches a tool and you touch it after.

Why is poison ivy posion?

Poison ivy produces an oil called urushiol. Urushiol is an irritant to the skin and other tissue. If you touch the plant you will get the urushiol on you. Even long dead poison ivy vines can still be coated with the oil.

What color poison ivy?

Green. It is brown when dead. The thing that distingunguishes it as poison ivy is the number of leaves, not the color. As the saying goes, " Leaves of three, leave it be." Poison ivy has a chemical(urishol) that gives most ppl a rash when they touch it.

What is the yellow liquid coming out of poison ivy and is it good?

Probably not, dont touch posion ivy at all, it will make you itchy.

What is poison ivy?

Poison Ivy is a type of plant that when you touch it , that place of your body will be itchy. You can stop it by buying Calamine ( Ferric Oxide.) Lotion. You can buy the lotion at local stores.

Is it important not to burn plants with allergen type oils such as poison ivy and poison oak?

Yes, DO NOT BURN POISON IVY OR OAK because when the oil on the plants is being burned the smoke contains the oil. So when you touch or breathe in, you'll get poison ivy and end up in the emergency room.

What are four things you shouldn't touch?

Poison ivy (itchy) Mushrooms (poison) Bombs (BOOM) Contagious things (bleugh!)

If poison ivy gets on honeysuckles and you drink the honey will you get poison ivy?

No, you will not get poison ivy.

What is the tagalog of poison ivy?

poison ivy

Does a steroid cream get rid of poison ivy?

NO IT DOES NOT GET RID OF POISON IVY! i have been getting poison ivy every year at least once a year and every time i try calimine lotion and it does not work because when it drys it irritates the poison ivy and makes it about 10 x more itchy! DO NOT USE CALIMINE LOTION FOR YOUR POISON IVY INFECTION!