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Q: Can you get pregnant if you touch a guys penis over his jeans and then went to the bathroom like is it possible to get sperm on your hands from that?
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Can you get pregnant from sperm in the water of a toliet?

If any amount of sperm was in you, you can get pregnant. Sperm travels very fast so even if you went to the toilet not all may have come out. ........ if you had cum on your hand and you put it in direct contact with your vagina, it is possible, but very unlikely. i had a scare like this a couple of days ago, however thank god i was wearing jeans and i washed my hands before i went to the toilet. so just be careful and remember anything is possible... hope this helps.

Can you get pregnant if the guy comes on his jeans and humps you?

That is the only way you can get pregnant.

You are 8 weeks pregnant and your jeans are tight?

Buy bigger jeans, what else is there to say?

Can you get pregnant if your wearing thin shorts but he has jeans on?

No. Sperms can not travel through jeans and your pants.

You and your guy were wearing jeans and your tops and you did the sex technique a little semen got out on his jeans and touches your pant can you get pregnant?

Hey I'm pretty sure ur ok. Very unlikely, but it is very remotely possible if you are not careful.

What are the chances of getting pregnant if you were fooling around in your jeans and also get your normal period on time 5 days later Can sperm pass through one pair of jeans and underwear?

No, you can not get pregnant through your jeans.

How do you undo a girl's jeans?

Well it depends how you want to undo them. Most people undo girls jeans with their hands

What are skinny jeans made of?

Skinny jeans are made of denim! :) most other jeans are...evan maternity jeans (for pregnant people) are aswell they just have elastic in so that it streches around their belli :)

Your boyfriend spermed on your top half of your body you had jeans on Then about 5 minutes later you had a shower is it possible the sperm entered into your vagina and got you pregnant?

Very unlikely but the chance is still there.

Can a girl get pregnant through her genes if sperm gets on her iner thigh?

No, if you did not remove your jeans, then it is highly unlikely that you will become pregnant, even if sperm got on your jeans in the vicinity of your inner thigh.

Is it possible to get pregnant after a cum-shot on the stomach and the girl has her jeans and pants still on?

Unless she carries her ovaries on the belly on top of the skin, no. To get pregnant you need semen inside the vagina. On the skin on the belly, arm, leg, foot etc wont do it.

Are there any designers who design sexy jeans for women who are pregnant?

The designers at Gap have a great line of stylish maternity jeans.