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Q: Can you get pregnant on the first day of your seven day break?
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You had your seven day break and continued to take the pill correctly afterwards on the second day of re-taking the pill you had unprotected sex Will you be ok?

yes most probably, if you took a full pack before the seven day break you should be fine.

What happens if you don't start yasmin on the 1st day of your period?

If you don't start the birth control pill on the first day of your period, you need to use a backup method of birth control for the first seven days. After you've taken the pill correctly for seven days, you can rely on it for preventing pregnancy.

If think could be pregnant but due to start pill after 7 day break should you?

Should not do any harm, but you should check with a doctor if you feel you are pregnant.

Can you get pregnant on the last day of your period and also which is pregnancy most likely to happen during your period or with a condom?

Yes you can get pregnant on your last day of your period and if the condom is on right and doesn't break or slide off it's most likely to get pregnant on your period.

How posssble is it to get pregnant the first day after a period?

Not likely, but possible.

Can you get pregnant on the 10th day from the first day of menstruation and I have a 28-30 day cycle?

Yes. Yes.

Can a woman get pregnant if sex happens on the first day of her periods and what can be done to undo after 6 days of unprotected sex?

yes, you can get pregnant on the first day of your period. there really isn't anything you can do about unprotected sex. maybe the day after pill? but it properly wont work if your already pregnant.

Can you get pregnant the day before you expect your period?

yes you can get pregnant anytime after you have already had your very first period.

How long is one day of school in France?

The school day is about seven hours of class. The lunch break is at least one hour.

Is 8th day from the first day period of menstruaton safe?

copied from another answer here:Can_you_get_pregant_the_first_day_on_your_periodYes. You can get pregnant anytime. Always use protection if you do not want to get pregnant.

What are chances of getting pregnant if you remove your patch on day 6 before patch free week?

Your risk of pregnancy isn't increased on Day 6 before the patch free week if you remove the patch that day. Just be sure to have no more than a seven-day break before putting on the next patch, or you could be at risk of pregnancy in that week.