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Yes you can get pregnant. You can read more about pregnancy and the menstrual cycle on It's a cool site that will answer most any medical question.

Sperm last for several days, so if you had a period while the sperm came in, they could stay in there until the next egg comes out, and create a zygote, so yes.

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14y ago
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14y ago

i would say it is not possiable as once you ovulate the egg is released and only survives for a very short period of time. therefore the sperm and egg would not be able to fertilse the day before your period is due.

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9y ago

You can't get pregnant as a result of sex before your period or even on your period because there is no egg to fertilize - you ovulate two weeks before menstruation with an egg only being present for up to 48 hours, and no egg is present during menstruation. But it is possible for you to be fertile during menstruation so have fertile cervical mucus that could keep sperm alive in the vagina for up to a week: by which time you may ovulate. If you don't want to get pregnant then as always use birth control or failing that use emergency contraception.

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9y ago

No, but you can get pregnant as a result of sex on your period.

Pregnancy occurs when an egg is ovulated, it then travels to the uterus and implants itself. During menstruation you don't ovulate, even if you did it would take time for a fertilized egg to travel to the uterus and it couldn't implant during menstruation due to the uterine lining shedding.

You can be fertile during your period, meaning that you may have fertile cervical mucus present which would allow the sperm to survive in the vagina and swim up to the fallopian tubes to wait for ovulation - you may then ovulate a few days after menstruation if your cycle is short.

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13y ago

Yes, it depends on you cycle. If your period is 7days, then no, becaus spurm last in your body for 5 days. But most lickly no , but it's possible.

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