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Metronidazole gel is not a spermicidal gel. If you're having intercourse while using it, you should use a condom -- not only for the pregnancy protection, but to help resolve the vaginitis.

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13y ago

There should be no reason to have any unusual vaginal bleeding while taking this antibiotic. If this bleeding is not menstrual related call your doctor.

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Q: Can one bleed vaginally while taking metronidazole?
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No, Metronidazole is for bacterial infections.

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Yes. But you should avoid drinking alcohol while taking metronidazole - it can cause you to be very sick.

Can you tan while taking metronidazole 500 mg?

prob not. consult your doctor or pharmacist prior to taking and tanning.

Can you take glucosamine while taking metronidazole?

Ask your doctor - not an unqualified web-site !

Can you start taking metronidazole today if you had 2 drinks last night?

yes, no alcohol should be consumed while taking metronidazole. drinking alcohol will cause nauseousness and violent vomiting. --know this because i was just on the medication and asked two doctors about drinking while on this medication

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Can you take metronidazole while taking valacyclovir?

Yes but do not drink alcohol whole you're on both. It can cause a serious liver problem.

Can you take ecstasy and still take metronidazole?

Not advisable what so ever as i made the mistake last weekend. I was hot and cold.. shivering then sweating. not to mention being sick for 6 hours. really don't recomend it at all! LETHAL ain't the word! This occurs because a common metabolite of Metronidazole is similar in structure to the medication "Antabuse", a medication to help people recover from alcoholism. Alcohol interacts with these structures to cause vomiting and the aforementioned shivering, sweating, and general sickness

Why would you bleed while taking the pill?

You will bleed for the following reasons: * Missed pill(s) * Pregnancy * Recently took MAP * UTI

Can you drink tea while taking metronidazole?

No ..Metronidazole should not be taken while drinking milk , in fact any antibiotics should not be taken with dairy product such as milk, yogurt etc. because dairy product contains the calcium which causes antibiotics less effective.

Has anyone ever become extremely nauseous while taking metronidazole without drinking alcohol?

Yes, uncontrollable infrequent (~6 times per day) projectile vomiting. On days 2-3 of taking the medication. I am on day 3 at the moment... I can only assume its the metronidazole, am also taking panadeine forte but have taken it before and have never had such a reaction.