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Q: Can you get pregnant with undeveloped uterus?
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Can you be pregnant while seeing your period?

No. The reason you have your period is because you have an unfertilized egg in your uterus so your uterus wall will shed off blood, causing your period. If youre pregnant ( which means you have a fertilized egg growing in your uterus) then your uterus will not feel the need to shed off blood.

Does your state have regions of wilderness or undeveloped land?

we in ohio have no undeveloped land or wilderness.

Why do I have a sharp pain in uterus when bladder is full. The pain expands from my belly button to just beneath my pubic bone. I?

If your uterus is at your belly button, you're about 20 weeks pregnant. See your health care provider for advice.

What are the function of the female reproductive system?

The uterus is the pear-shaped organ that protects the baby while it is growing. The lining of it sheds once a month when a woman is not pregnant. The cervix is a flap of tissue between the vagina and the uterus that closes when a woman is pregnant. The vagina is the entrance to the uterus. The fallopian tubes carry the eggs from the ovaries to the uterus. If it is fertilized, then the egg will attach itself to the lining of the uterus. If not, it will be expelled from the body through the vagina. The ovaries are the egg-shaped storehouses for the ovum(eggs). A baby girl is born with all the eggs she will use for her entire life, which is about 800,000.

Where on vagina would sperm need to go in order to get pregnant?

To get pregnant, sperm need to be ejaculated near the opening of the vagina. From there, they can swim through the cervix and into the uterus, where fertilization may occur if an egg is present.

Related questions

Can you get pregnant even though you had an radical hysterectomy?

A hysterectomy is were your uterus has been removed. So there fore you can not get pregnant. The embryo attaches itself to your uterus. In order for you to become pregnant you have to have a uterus.

Can your uterus be firm if not pregnant?

No the uterus is not always firm normally.

Is there a boy who can be a pregnant?

If he has a uterus.

How much does a pregnant lady's uterus expand?

When a women is pregnant her uterus expands to 500 times its normal size.

Is the uterus open or closed when pregnant?

Your uterus should close up when pregnant so that nothing can get in to cause an infection towards the baby.

Can a girl get pregnant throw her but?

according to my knowledge......she will get pregnant only if she has uterus in her but.....

What does a uterus mean?

A hard uterus means an enlarged uterus. An enlarged uterus can be a symptom of pregnancy or fibroid tumors. If you think you are pregnant or have a hard uterus consult a physician.

When a woman isn't pregnant is there any liquid in her uterus?

You do not have any type of liquid in non pregnant uterus. The uterine lining is wet as expected.

What does a hard uterus mean?

A hard uterus means an enlarged uterus. An enlarged uterus can be a symptom of pregnancy or fibroid tumors. If you think you are pregnant or have a hard uterus consult a physician.

Can a gp tell if your pregnant after stomach examanation?

I assume you mean when the GP palpates your abdomen. If there is a pregnant uterus,the doctor is likely to notice. But if you are very newly pregnant and the doctor is not examining your uterus, he might miss it. It takes a few months for a pregnant uterus to move up above the pubic bone.

High uterus can you still get pregnant?

Yes you can.

Can women get pregnant if fibroids on the outside if uterus?
