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Q: Can you get reported for talking on your cell phone while driving by jaywalking pedestrians?
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What happens if you are reported several times?

well it depends, if you get reported a lot of times you can get banned and ranked back to level 1 but if you were reported for talking trash i have no idea.

Talking on your cell phone while driving is not dangerous.?

Talking on your cell phone while driving is not dangerous.

Ticket for talking on the phone while driving go on my driving record?


Can a banshee be road legal in northern Ireland?

If you're talking about the one from Halo, then, yes. It is road-legal! Just don't go running over pedestrians.

How many people die by getting hit by a car every year?

In 2009, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that 4,092 pedestrians were killed in crashes with motor vehicles and 59,000 were injured. If you're talking about vehicular accidents where people are in a car at the time of the accident, then: About 115 people die every day in vehicle crashes in the United States

Where is Mohammad hassan now?

If your talking about the terrorist, he was reported captured in late February 2010.

Why should you ban cellphone usage from people who are driving?

people who are driving can get more distracted from the person talking to them.

How much is ticket talking on cell phone while driving in California 2013?

how mucHow much is ticket talking on cell phone while driving in California 2013Read more: How_much_is_ticket_talking_on_cell_phone_while_driving_in_California_2013h is the fine

What might happen while talking on your cell phone when driving?

an accident

What is the fine for talking on a cell phone while driving in Calif?


What is the most way people get in car crashes?

Drunk drivung,eating while driving,or talking on the phone while driving

Should driving while talking on your cell phone be illegal Why?

Even though many people don't want talking on your cell phone while driving to be illegal, it should be because you cannot focus on driving as much as you would if you weren't talking. Serious accidents can happen even when you take your attention off of the road for a few seconds.