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Q: Can you get salmonella from spotted salamander?
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What is the species of a spotted salamander?

Spotted salamander?

Is a yellow spotted salamander aquatic or terrestrial?

I believe it is the fire-bellied salamander.

Is a spotted salamander an invertebrate?


Is a spotted salamander carnivore?

no they are not

Do Spotted Salamanders have spots when they are babies?

No, spotted salamander tadpoles do not have spots.

How many legs does spotted salamander have?


A food chain about spotted salamander?


Can a blue spotted salamander live in a fish tank full of water?

blue spotted salamanders are not a fully aquatic species. The blue spotted salamander is a mole salamander and is generally found under logs and damp leaves. They only return to the water to reproduce. I have my terrarium set up with an approximate 80/20 ratio of land to water.

How does a spotted salamander breathe?

they breath through there skin

How much money is a blue spotted salamander?


How does the Blue-spotted Salamander protect itself?

its tail

What continent does a spotted salamander live in?

They live in Piedmont.