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The color of the pool is no problem at all. If the water is green, who in his right mind would jump in?

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Q: Can you get sick swimming in a green pool?
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How long does green hair last from swimming in a pool?

Hair bleaches in the pool not because of the chlorine, but because of the metals and copper in the water. If the pool has a high concentration of metals and copper, then yes, it will appear or turn a faint green.

Will a pool turn green after dogs swim in it?

haha, no Not just from dogs swimming in it. It can turn green because of the water being dirty. If it is your swimming pool it probably needs more chlorine or whatever you use for keeping it clean. If it is a kiddie pool just change the water.

What level should the pH be when shocking a swimming pool?

a swimming pool it should be neutral pH ie green

What is swimming pool in English?

'Swimming Pool', sometimes shortened to 'Pool'.

Why it is important to make sure that swimming pool water is clean give rasons?

If its not clean people might get sick.

Is there any harm in having mallard ducks in your swimming pool?

Extremely unsanitary - you could get quite sick from their poop.

Do you shock the pool again to prevent green hair?

No; green hair is caused by copper pipes. Just rinse your hair in water that has not gone through the pool plumbing after swimming.

How do you get green out of a child's hair from swimming pool?

the chlorine make blond hair turn green. if you use chlorine shampoo it should get it out.

Will green algae in a pool make you sick?

Yes, in fact green algae can make you sick. I learned that from a friend of mine that decided he could go in the pool and yes, he did get sick.I went in my pool (full of green algae) every day last summer and did not get sick. However, I didn't go under water and get the water in my sinuses very often. I'm pretty sure it depends on how healthy you are overall.

What is measurement and label of the swimming pool?

it depends on which swimming pool

Why are swimming pool coopers used?

What are swimming pool "Coopers"

What do swimming pool covers look like?

A swimming pool cover is generally a long piece of plastic covering that is generally green or blue. When you pull this piece of plastic over your pool it will keep out leaves and bugs as well as protect against the elements.