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Q: Can you get smallpox from an infected scab?
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What is worse smallpox or cowpox?

Smallpox looks like a whole bunch of little raised dots on your skin. Normally starting on your hands,face,and feet, then spreading. A couple days later it will burst and bleed and scab over. once the scab falls off your are scared for life.

How is smallpox passed to one person to another?

One can be infected by smallpox if a victum of smallpox has coughed in the air. They can be infected by smallpox by exposing an opened wound. You can become infected if you breath the air that is shared by someone that has smallpox. Its passed many different ways. One can be infected by smallpox if a victum of smallpox has coughed in the air. They can be infected by smallpox by exposing an opened wound. You can become infected if you breath the air that is shared by someone that has smallpox. Its passed many different ways.

Why does my scab smell?

its infected

Can you play sports while you have an infected scab?

Probably not - but it would depend on the sport, and the location of the scab.

How do scabs prevent infection?

If one peels the scab off. Blood will appear again which gives bacteria the opportunity to get in. This is how the scab can get infected.

What could be the reason that a scab on my scalp will not heal?

There could be many reasons that a scab on your scalp will not heal. It could be very infected for example.

When did the first victim get infected by smallpox?

about 10,000 BC

How did Jeffrey Amherst use smallpox as a weapon?

He approved the plan of giving blankets infected with smallpox to the natives.

Why is your smallpox scar pink and scaly?

that probably means that its infected

How did you get smallpox?

direct contact with sick person or with infected blankets etc

The plight of smallpox helped defeat the rebellion of what man?

Smallpox infected blankets were used to defeat the Native American opposition to conquest. The Native Americans had no natural immunity to smallpox.

Identify one of the stages of smallpox when an infected patient is considered infectious?
