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Yes, sort of, if they are carrying bacteria it is possible to get it as well. Make sure you do not share cups, forcks, and any other untensil. Don't use anything after them, such as a cell phone or remote (yes, really people clean these last two items the least, so they carry the most bacteria).

If you are sitting hands in your pocket and they are sitting hands in their pocket and are a foot away, it is unlikely that the bacteria will be transfered.

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10y ago

Yes, you can "catch" the virus that day, but you usually won't have symptoms for 1 - 3 more days. In the interim you will be contagious to others, though. So, if you may have been exposed, follow all good habits to prevent spreading it to others as if you know you have been infected.

At all times, practice frequent, effective hand washing (see the related questions for how).

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Q: Can you get stomach flu same day you are exposed?
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How long does it take for stomach flu to wear off?

1 day (28 hours)

What if you have been exposed and did not have a flu shot?

You may get the flu. Next year get the flu vaccination.

How long is the 24 hour stomach flu contagious?

How long is the 24 stomach flu contagious for

How long are you contagious after stomach flu?

You may be contagious a few days after you have had the stomach flu. Normally the stomach flu runs its course in one to two days.

Who gets the Swine Flu?

Most people who are not vaccinated against the swine flu or who have not had the swine flu will get it if exposed to it. Those who have had the vaccines will be immune.

Can you get influenza and then a week or to later get the stomach flu?

I believe so. The stomach flu isn't the flu at all and is a digestive system ailment. The flu is influenza, a respiratory virus.

When you have the flu does your belly hurt?

Your stomach will not nessasaraly hurt if you have the flu. it depends on what flu you have

What medicine to take for stomach pain and loose bowels and vomiting?

If you have the stomach flu just ride it out, there's nothing you can do. Fast for the first day or 2 and then start with water, tea and toast. If this is not the flu you need to see a doctor.

Is there a cure for stomach flu?

Yes! get a flu vaccination to prevent it, but if you already have it try the Brat diet!! Go for mostly clear fluids the first day and then eat Bannanas, Rice, Applesauce, And Toast(and other foods that can be easy on the stomach)

If you are exposed to the Swine Flu can you still get it?


How do you know if you have stomach flu?

When your stomach hurts so much.

What is the causative agent of gastroenteritis?

It means to get Stomach Flu or Gastric Flu