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It can be spread by coughing or sneezing

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Q: Can you get swine flu if im near someone with it?
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Can goldfish get the Swine Flu?

no im kidding

Is Swine Flu good or bad?

=== === BOTH!. Its good because if you have swine flu and you get rid of it; your immune system gets stronger. It is bad because you can die from it. and im only 10!

When can you go out after recovery from swin flu?

24 hours, that's what the doctors said, i got swine flu. =[ im ok now. =]

Why have you had Swine Flu for over 4 weeks?

ok im sorry but i have read if you dont get medical care within 48 hours you will have swine flu for a few weeks hoping you are better and eventualy you will die

Im sure you have flu my sons school has 2 cases of Swine Flu how will you know if you do?

Well, it's quite easy. The swine flu symptoms are these : Having a high temperature (fever) Having very bad coughs Having a very bad headache Having a blocked or runny nose Having a very bad sore throat Usually, when people catch swine flu, the fever indicates that they have caught the swine flu.

What do you do if you catch the Swine Flu?

pray... go to a hospital apparently they can make it less survere but im not sure

Does Eric have Swine Flu?

im sorry but i think your friend has swine flu. keep him inside the house at all times and what ever you do dont let him cough/sneeze on you. p.s did he go to mexico? blah blah blah blah Feeeggg

If your 9 year old has Swine Flu can you still work in a nursing home?

i work at a nursing home and if ur daughter or son has it pretty sure u can still work in a nursing home as long as u dont have the symptoms or the swine flu

What country did Swine Flu originate from?

Swine flu orignates from fruit bats, the bats drop the infected fruit and the cattle ie pigs eat them, thus giving them to the farmers and workers who are usually elderly and do not have a strong immune system and then give it the rest of the population in Mexico

How swing flu is different from other diseases causing organisms?

im joking you only get it if you come in contact with swine flu ok nothing 2 worry about well not yet anyway

Are people recovering from Swine Flu?

Im sure they are, because on the news I have not heard one thing about it, in about I dont know 2 or 3 months.

Im going on holiday to turkey you have already had pneumonia will you be more at risk from being ill with swine flu?

Not if you recovered and are strong and healthy again.