

Can you get the Flu in May?

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Ephraim Armstrong

Lvl 10
4y ago

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Q: Can you get the Flu in May?
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What if you have been exposed and did not have a flu shot?

You may get the flu. Next year get the flu vaccination.

Is hamster flu a real flu?

No. But hamsters may be able to catch flu and other viral infections from people and from other animals.

What is a flu gab?

The "flu shot" is what an injected immunization using influenza vaccine is called in the US. In the UK, this is better known as a "flu jab". Flu jab may be the term you may have heard spoken and are thinking of. There is no "flu gab" found. The pronunciation of the "j" in flu "jab" is the same as in the word "jump". "Gab" is usually pronounced with the "g" like the "g" in "game".

How much longer until the Swine Flu is over?

Once flu season is over....which I think is may or June...but when flu season comes back around november, so does the swine flu.

What kind of cough tell you you have the Swine Flu?

The kind of cough is not diagnostic of Swine Flu. The swine flu has many of the same symptoms as the regular flu. You cannot tell by the type of cough what type of flu you have. Your doctor cannot even tell that. If you are displaying actual flu symptoms, your doctor can order a laboratory test to confirm or rule out the swine flu. That is the only way to receive a proper diagnosis to which flu subtype you may or may not have. See the related question below for a more detailed description of the symptoms of swine flu.

Is the Swine Flu in Orlando?

As of May 5th, 2009, there have been no confirmed cases of the swine flu in Florida.

Is Paris infected with Swine Flu?

As of May 5th, 2009, France has no confirmed cases of the swine flu.

The bird flu will kill millions because of sodomy?

Bird flu, swine flu and other forms of influenza are spread by infection from persons who have coughed or sneezed. It has nothing to do with sexual practices. You may or may not catch one of these forms of flu but, if you do, it will not be evidence that you have practised anal sex.

How do you know if you have had Swine Flu?

Unless you were tested when you were ill, there is really no way to know for sure which type of flu you may have had. If you were not tested at the time, to be sure you have immunity to the swine flu, it is advised that you get a vaccination. It will not hurt you if you already had the same flu, and it can prevent another illness if the flu you had was a different strain. For best protection from the flu during the 2009-2010 flu season, get both a swine flu vaccination and a seasonal flu vaccination.

How may syllables does superfluous?

Superfluous has 4 syllables:su-per-flu-ousFour

Does metformin interfere with flu shot?

Metformin does not interfere with the effectiveness of the flu shot. While diabetes may decrease immunization response, it's important for diabetics to get immunized for flu.

How long are you contagious after stomach flu?

You may be contagious a few days after you have had the stomach flu. Normally the stomach flu runs its course in one to two days.