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Q: Can you get xbox live by putting your ethernet cable into a ps3 and then into your Xbox 360?
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Can you play xbox live without an adapter or Ethernet cable?

Xbox Live requires an internet connection, either by wireless adapter or ethernet cable.

How do you get Xbox live using your motom?

With a Ethernet cable

How do you get xbox live without wifi?

Use an Ethernet cable!

Do you need the Xbox 360 wireless adaptor to go on Xbox live?

no an ethernet cable will do

How do you get Xbox live without a Xbox live card or an Ethernet cable?

There's no way of doing this, sorry.

How do you connect xbox 360 live?

Wireless internet Cable+ Ethernet cord. Cable+

Where do your put USB CABLE to have Xbox live on a Xbox 360?

You don't use a USB CABLE. You use an ethernet cable from the back of your computer and plug it in the back of your XBOX360 to have XBOX LIVE. :)

Can you use any ethernet cable to play Xbox live?


Do you need your Ethernet cable plugged in to play cod5 der riese without being on Xbox live?

no the onlytime that you will ever need your ethernet cable plugged in is if you want to do something using xbox live.

How can you have Xbox live on your Xbox 360 without a adapter?

you will need an ethernet cable that you can get from electronics stores.

Where to put your Ethernet cable for xbox live?

A phone cord has a different connection. You could make the cord work if you knew the pin-out of an Ethernet cable and the resources to do it but it is much easier to just buy the Ethernet cable.

What do you need to buy to get Xbox live?

You need an xbox live gold card and either and ethernet cable or a wireless adapter