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Q: Can you get your trade in vehicle back?
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Does even trade on a vehicle exist?

Yes it does, I just traded my vehicle for another vehicle even trade and didn't have to pay taxes on it in Florida.

You purchased a truck and have driven it for a week now the dealership wants a cosigner is this legel or can you give it back and get your trade in?

This is a case where the dealership believed they would be able to get you financed without a cosignor and let you take the vehicle. Generally, this is done when buying a vehicle after banking hours. If getting a cosignor was not discussed or agreed to then,yes you can return the vehicle and get your trade back. However, catch 22 in this situation maybe that they have already sold your trade-in. Depends on what state you live in. If they are asking for something more than what is in the original contract for the purchase, yes you should be able to give back the truck. The hitch would be in your trade in. The dealer in most cases is not obligated to give your trade back but they will give you the dollar amount they valued your truck at.

Can you trade your truck if you pawned title?

Not until you get your title back. Pay off your loan, get your title back, then you're free to do with it what you will. And if you don't pay your loan to get your title back, the pawn broker gets ownership of that vehicle, and will report it stolen if you refuse to turn over your vehicle to them.

What does the term tool of trade in commercial vehicle policy mean?

The term 'Tool of Trade' in regards to commercial vehicle insurance means the vehicle is needed to ply the trade (transportation of equipment, etc.)

Can you trade in car before repo?

If the repo-man is looking for your vehicle, you do not own the vehicle yet. If you take the vehicle in for trade-in, they will have to contact the person who owns the vehicle to get permission to trade it (meaning whoever loaned you the money). Whoever they call is bound to mention that they are in the process of repossessing your vehicle. In alot of cases you need ownership of the vehicle and only a title can prove that to trade in a car.

Can a dealer back out on buying your trade after the papers are signed AND YOU DRIVE OFF WITH THE NEW VEHICLE.?

nope take it to court if its happened to you or sue

Can you trade in a vehicle in California without the registration?

In most states, you can trade in the vehicle without it being registered. However, you do need a TITLE to prove that you own the vehicle.

What is a back-to-back trade?

A back to back trade is when you trade a Pokemon to another Pokemon then the other person trads it back.

Can you get your trade-in vehicle back if you are unhappy with your new car?

Depending on your contract if they still have the car just give them their car back and what ever they gave you for your trade in so if they gave you 1000 for your trade in then give them 1000 for your car back but first make sure you read over your contract because you might be able to get out of the contract befor a certain amount of time.

If you trade in a vehicle and they found out that there was a mechanical problem with it can they make you take it back and turn in the new car?

No, not unless you deliberately misrepresented the condition of your trade. Otherwise tell them you traded it in "As Is". Of course they could sue you, which is highly unlikely.