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yeah if it will take it

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Q: Can you give a 7 month kitten cold medicine?
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Can you give a kitten Sudafed for its cold?

no allot of human medicine is poisonous to cats ring a vet for advice

What medicine can you give a 20 month old for a cold?

The only medicine that I have given my 24 month old is Tylenol or Motrin, I have never given him anything else.

What can you give a 6 month old baby for a runny nose?

Tylonal cold or flu medicine for infants.

How do i make a kitten take a tablet?

If it has been prescribed by a vet, you can put it in the cat's food, or in a piece of fresh meat and give it to the kitten. Do not give a kitten a medicine that was not prescribed by a vet.

How much aspririn to give to a kitten?

none, it is not good to give animals people medicine

Will it hurt a kitten if you give it too much worm worm medicine at once?

Yes, this can make the kitten very sick. Only give the correct dose at the correct intervals following the instructions on the medicine package.

What does it mean if a kitten is cold?

It means that your kitten is cold. You can wrap it in a blanket and gently rub it softly to try to warm it up. Maybe wrap it in an electric blanket.

What to do if your kitten is step on?

give him a ice cold bath and some tylonol

Can 2 week old kittens take penicillin?

If you believe a kitten is in need of medical treatment, take it to the vet immediately. Such a small kitten can easily die if not treated. Never give a kitten or a cat human medicine; a vet will be able to prescribe medicine that is safe.

Can I give my 5 month old kitten who is sneezing leftover antibiotics from when my puppy was sick?


Can I give a cat child's cold medicine?

NO! I believe that aspirin, an ingredient in many cold medicines, is FATAL to cats, so DO NOT give your cat human medicine.

Can i give my 3 month old kitten ibuprofen?

It is not advisable to give ibuprofen or naproxen to cats without consulting a veterinarian.