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If you have herpes antibodies in your blood, then that means you have herpes and yes you could pass it to some one. But passing it would be more likely to happen if or while you have a break out.

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Q: Can you give a person herpes if you have antibodies?
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Is it ok to swallow semen if your partner has herpes?

No. Herpes is a virus and can spread. Most likely you would get cold sores around your mouth. Cold sores are herpes simplex and the same as genial herpes. The person you are having sex with will give you herpes if it is active.

How do you treat herpes antibody?

It's not something you can treat. The antibodies are the reaction of your immune system to the herpes infection. The herpes virus however, will never leave the body because it hides in the nerves, where the immune system can not atttack it. Once herpes, always herpes unfortunately

What antibodies do a person with A- have?

A person with A negative blood will form antibodies to Rh + and to B

Can antibodies be transferred from person to person?


How is herpes transmitted from one person to another?

Herpes is spread by coming in contact with the herpes virus. The herpes virus can be spread even when a person isn't having an outbreak.

In infected person's HIV antibodies are found in the?

Antibodies are found in the blood from the HIV.

Can an immunocompromised person die from herpes?

It is not likely you will die from a herpes infection.

Can a person get ocular herpes if a person who has herpes spits in his eye?

Not likely to happen, herpes isn't passed by just saliva.If this person kissed you on or around your eyes while they had a cold sore then you have a higher chance of gettig ocular herpes.Herpes isn't passed through just saliva, so NO you wouldn't get ocular herpes from that.Some one would have to give you a kiss around your eyes while they had a cold sore in order for you to have any chance of that happening.

What does seropositive mean and how is a person tested for HIV?

When a person contracts HIV, their body releases certain antibodies to fight that infection. As such, if those antibodies are found in a person, then that individual has HIV. These antibodies can be detected through a simple examination of oral fluids or a blood sample. If you are found to have these antibodies, then you are seropositive.

Do you develop passive immunity when you receive antibodies from another person?

Yes, passive immunity is developed when you receive antibodies from another person.

Can a dog with herpes give it to humans?


How does injecting someone with a killed bacteria vaccine protect someone from getting that disease?

There is nothing like killed disease. You have the killed microorganisms. These killed microorganisms are injected to the person. That gives rise to formation of the antibodies. These antibodies protect the person from the attack of the live microorganism.