

Can you give a sentence for belabor?

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βˆ™ 10y ago

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Belabor means arguing excessively over a point. Don't belabor the point, George.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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Q: Can you give a sentence for belabor?
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IM gonna belabor you. >:) love darian.

What is a sentence with the word belabor?

If you mean, Use belabor in a sentence. Here's are some of the examples: Some people use social media as a means to belabor their own views on an issue. Mary’s strategy for resolving an argument is to belabor her point until the other person gives up. She generally incorporates subtleties to persuade a lot the other individual to give your solicitation, yet don't belabor on the point.

What is a sentence for the word belabor?

His tendency to belabor the small points ofter made him miss the big picture. Mr. Ram's tendency to balabor on mince matter made him most unpopular teacher in the school.

Sentence for belabor?

The after-dinner speaker talked for too long and continued to belabor his point until diners were practically falling asleep over their coffee.When the student raised an awkward question she was belabored by the lecturer until she lost interest in pursuing the question.The wrestler belabored his opponent until the referee stopped the fight.I refused to go to the meeting today because I know the rest of the committee will just belabor me until I agree with them.

What is the definition of belabor?

To overwork. Most commonly seen in the description of an argument: "You don't have to belabor that point."

What is the meaning of Belabored?

of Belabor

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I cannot belabour this enough; do not throw pencils at your fellow students.

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