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Q: Can you give five examples of antonomasia?
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What is an antonomasia?

Antonomasia is a figure of speech where a proper name is replaced by a descriptive phrase or epithet. It is used to emphasize a specific characteristic or attribute of the person or thing being referred to. Examples include "the Bard" for William Shakespeare or "the Iron Lady" for Margaret Thatcher.

Examples of antonomasia?

It is the use of a title or epithet to address or refer to someone or something rather than using the proper name. Examples: A. "Professor D.C. Ray" for Death Ray B. "the Iron Duke" for Duke of Wellington C. "the Iron Lady" for Margaret Thatcher D. "Auld Reekie" for Edinburgh E. "the Philosopher" for Aristotle

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What is antonomasia in word formation?

Antonomasia is a rhetoric device which is a substitution of any epithet or phrase for a proper name, such as "the little corporal" for Napoleon I. The reverse process is also sometimes called antonomasia. The word derives from the Greek verb

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Meaning of antonomasia?

Antonomasia is the use of a title instead of a proper name or the use of a proper name for expressing a general idea. Examples would be:- Smooth move, Einstein!- Oh come on Scrooge, it's Christmas!- Calm down, tiger!- Ask Mr. Know-it-all!- Okay, Tarzan, climb down from the trees please!

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