

Best Answer

A concrete noun is a word for something that can be experienced by any of the five physical senses; something that can be seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or touched.

Example Sentences:

  1. I have an apple in my lunch.
  2. A favorite vacation destination is Miami Beach in Florida.
  3. My mother has a blue car.
  4. The music at the concert played over huge speakers.
  5. John left his book in his locker.
  6. He's a good dog.
  7. I bought this dress at the mall.
  8. This tractor is brand new.
  9. The construction workers did a good job paving the street.
  10. Fran and Frank bought the old house on the corner.
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Q: Can you give me 10 sentences about concrete nouns?
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Example sentences:1. A simple seamstress, Rosa Parks was an unlikely hero.seamstress, a common,concrete nounRosa Parks, a proper, concrete nounhero, a common, concrete noun2. The bottom of the Pacific is still a difficult place to explore. (words for places)bottom, a common, concrete nounPacific, a proper, concrete nounplace, a common, concrete noun3. My advice is to buy a car within your price range.advice, a common, abstract, uncountable nouncar, a common, concrete nounprice range, a common, abstract, compound noun4. The pavement on Main Street is full of cracks.pavement, a common, concrete, uncountable nounMain Street, a proper, concrete nouncracks, a common, concrete, plural noun5. I made the spaghetti according to mother's recipe.spaghetti, a common, concrete, uncountable nounmother's, a common, concrete, possessive nounrecipe, a common, concrete noun6. We watched the glassblower form a glass swan.glassblower, a common, concrete, compound nounglass, a common, concrete, uncountable, attributive nounswan, a common, concrete noun7. We waited for a turn on the exercise equipment.turn, a common, abstract nounexercise, a common, concrete, attributive nounequipment, a common, concrete, uncountable noun8. We could see the Eiffel Tower from the balconyof our hotel.Eiffel Tower, a proper, concrete, compound nounbalcony, a common, concrete nounhotel, a common, concrete9. The mob of angry protesters moved toward the courthouse.mob, a common, concrete, collective nounprotesters, a common, concrete, plural nouncourthouse, a common, concrete, compound noun10. This is the last sentence using types of nouns.sentence, a common, concrete nountypes, a common, abstract, plural nounnouns, a common, concrete, plural noun.