

Can you give me 5 reptiles?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Can you give me 5 reptiles?
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How many snakes are born in a live birth of asnake?

none because snakes are reptiles and reptiles don't give birth to live young

Do reptiles give young hatch from eggs or born alive?

Reptiles hatch from eggs.

Do birds and reptiles lay eggs?

Yes, birds and reptiles do lay eggs. Some reptiles, however, give birth to live young.

Do mammals lay eggs and reptiles give birth?

No. Generally mammals give live birth while reptiles lay eggs. There are exceptions to both cases.

What website can give you lots of information about why reptiles are endangered?

This website!

Can reptiles give birth to live babies?

Yes The Anaconda does.

Does reptiles lay eggs or give live birth?

They have eggs.

What shows the order in which vertebrates evolved?

1:fish 2: amphibians 3: reptiles 4: birds 5: mammals

Can a mammal be a reptile?

No, a reptile cannot be a mammal. Mammals are warmblooded and reptiles are coldblooded. Mammals give birth to live young and reptiles lay eggs. Mammals have hair and reptiles have scales on their skin.

Do chimpanzees lay eggs or give live birth?

Chimpanzees give live birth, they are mammals, not reptiles.

What did repiles do when they give birth?

Most reptiles lay eggs, and only a few give live birth to their offspring.

What is the 5 vertabrates?

The answer is birds , amphibians , mammals , fish and reptiles