

Can you give me information about the invasion of Norway?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: Can you give me information about the invasion of Norway?
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The invasion of Norway in 1940 gave Germany?

Ice free harbors and access to iron ore from mines in Sweden.

What is the date when Hitler invaded Norway and denmark?

Adolf Hitler's decision to invade Denmark and Norway, whom claimed neutrality before the invasion, was based on various reasons. The main reason for the invasion of Norway, Hitler was advised that if the German's had the possession of the main ports of Norway, the outcome of WWI might have been different. Invasion of Denmark came next since it neighbored the Norway ports and Norway Leads. Hitler, in fact, had no intention of invading Norway until he gave an audience to Vidkun Quisling, the leader of Nasjonal Samling (National Union) , a small Norwegian party who supported Hitler. This meeting changed his mind for on December 14, 1939, he invades Norway. Hitler assured the Norwegians that the neutrality of the "Nordic States" was to be assumed for the future and that a continuation of German trade with those countries appeared possible even in a war of long duration. In a treaty between Germany and the Soviet Union, Germany would not interfere the Soviet invasion of Finland. After the start of WWII, Hitler saw an opportunity to seize Norway and Denmark as an answer to the threat of the invasion of Finland. For Germany the advantages were substantial. Of the approximately six million tons of Swedish magnetite iron ore which Germany imported annually, about half passed through the Norwegian ice-free port of Narvik and the Norway Leads. The ore was important for German production of munitions. Control of Norway would free the way to the North Atlantic, access to the Baltic Sea and German coast from the south and the Arctic Ocean and the approaches to the Soviet Union from the far north. The Generals saw Norway as integral for the invasion of Great Britain. Looking back on the occupation of Norway and Denmark had no real significant advantage for Germany.