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Uh, NO! Stadol is in a class of partial-agonist, partial antagonist opioid medications that also include Talwin, Nubain and Buprex (the main component in Suboxone) These are contra-indicated with any full agonist opioid medications, taking them concomitantly will be unpleasant, especially in cases of dependence.

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Q: Can you give stadol to methadone patients?
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Is methadone show as Oxycontin?

No it shows as methadone ! Have to give special test for it

Can unisom give false positive result for methadone?

methadone is methadone. The answer is no. Edit: The answer is a qulaified "yes". The level of uniosome would have to be toxic.

How could a methadone clinic give the clients an opiate blocker?

Methadone is the opiate blocker, that's why people are on methadone unless used for pain management

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Why do they test for methadone at a methadone clinic?

Testing exists to ensure that methadone patients are actually taking their medication and not selling it on the black market. I'd like to elaborate on the above answer. Testing for Methadone assures that patients are taking their medications because most people that are taking Methadone are on a previous medication that is causing the withdrawal alot of Methadone users will sell the drug to get their drug of choice. Also they want to make sure the user is not abusing the drug by taking too much.

Is methadone dangerous with Rheumatoid arthritis?

The FDA is issuing this public health advisory to alert patients and their caregivers and health care professionals to the following important safety information: · Patients should take methadone exactly as prescribed. Taking more methadone than prescribed can cause breathing to slow or stop and can cause death. A patient who does not experience good pain relief with the prescribed dose of methadone, should talk to his or her doctor. · Patients taking methadone should not start or stop taking other medicines or dietary supplements without talking to their health care provider. Taking other medicines or dietary supplements may cause less pain relief. They may also cause a toxic buildup of methadone in the body leading to dangerous changes in breathing or heart beat that may cause death. · Health care professionals and patients should be aware of the signs of methadone overdose. Signs of methadone overdose include trouble breathing or shallow breathing; extreme tiredness or sleepiness; blurred vision; inability to think, talk or walk normally; and feeling faint, dizzy or confused. If these

Is methadone banned in republic of Ireland?

No.. But not every doc will give it to you.

Do methadone clinics mix methadone with placebo?

No, they may mix in dye to distinguish where it was dispensed or something for the flavor, but they don't tell you they gave you x amount but really give you less.

Do doctors give people methadone that are addicted to tylox or Oxycontin?

Methadone is used to treat people who are addicted to opiates such as oxycontin. Many people enter treatment facilities and take methadone to help themselves to get off the opiates and eventually detox from the methadone.

What are the Side effects of methadone on your teeth?

I have read that because Methadone can give you dry mouth it is wise to chew gum and hydrate as much as possible.

Are Australian GPs able to prescribe methadone tablets to patients with serious pain conditions?

If you are detoxing it is easier to adjust the dosage with liquid.

Can you mix Oxycontin and methadone and still get high?

If you mean fentanyl, then yes you would get high but it is a lethal combination. Fentanyl is 100x stronger than morphine and usually used in cancer patients. I don't suggest mixing the two drugs.