

Can you give you info on atroll reefs?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: Can you give you info on atroll reefs?
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there are coral reefs in a sense, but they don"t consist of the same species as a tropical reef. look up cold water anemones, and you will find alot of info on these species

Can you give a slogan about coral reefs?

the coral reefs are so beautiful the fishes live peaceful they are so useful and so wonderful.....

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too many to give an exact answer

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Coral reefs are important to the sea because they give oxygen to the fish(whales) so they can survive in the water for long without coming to the surface

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Would you give me example of slogan about to conserve coral reefs?

Coral reefs are important harbors of biodiversity and are very important to our planet. One slogan used in its preservation is "save the bound beauty of our ocean".

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Why do government and non-government organizations give protection to coral reefs?

because the obligation of the government is to protect the coral reefs like the DENR,non government also protect it because some people like fisherman caught fish.........if there are no coral reefs there would be no fishes anymore in the ocean....................