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Q: Can you give your dog 5mg of Valium for sleep?
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Can you give your dog oxycodone 5mg to calm him down?

NO! Oxycodone is a potent central nervous system suppressant that will decrease your dog's heart and respiratory rate and could result in death.

How do you get your dog to sleep with you?

Just put him/her in the bed with you,if the dog wants to get down just keep your door shut and he/she will learn to sleep with you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^ Animal cruelty, give it a nice rimjob

What happens if you give a dog a dog?

Well it depends on the dogs attitude. If your dog loves other dogs then its fine to get your dog a friend... but if your dog isnt Dog Friendly then you might just want to give him a bone and a lap to sleep on.

What can do with your dog if you do not want to put it to sleep but do not want her?

You can let other people adopt it, or give it to some dog rescue companies.

You have to give your dog 1 ml per lb and the Benadryl pill is 25 mg how much do you give a 15 lb dog?

Is this under a vets supervision? I would call the has prescribed 2x 5mg tablets twice a day for a bichon frize 6.4kilo.

How long should a dog stay on Valium?

as long as possible

how much sleep should my dog have to be healthy?

Your dog should get regular amounts of sleep. 3-6 hours is recommended. If unsure, call your local veterinarian for advice. A comfy bed will give your dog advanced sleep. Do fluff the bed regularly.

Your dog is on prednisone 5 mg you are on the same 5mg would they be the same?


Will it hurt your dog to give him some sleep aids so you can clean his ears?

It is possible that a sleep aid could hurt your dog. If you dog has any unknown medical conditions, the sleep aid could harm it. The best option is to speak with the vet and find out if they would allow your dog to have a sleep aid so that you could clean his ears. They may recommend a different medication.

Can yo give you dog Valium for stress?

I'm not a vet nor a pharmacist, but I think it's safe to say, dogs should be prescribed canine meds, not human.

Can Valium kill a dog?

Yes, if it receives too much at one time. Valium is used by veterinarians to sedate dogs, but it is generally not sent home with owners. If your dog has accidentally ingested some valium, it is recommended that you immediately call your veterinarian and see if you should bring the animal in for emergency treatment.