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Q: Can you give your dog turkey lunch meat with her medicine?
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What is the healthiest lunch to eat?

Turkey. It's the leanest meat.

What country consumes the most lunch meat?

Turkey (you idiot)

What goes in turkey sandwich?

You could substitute chicken or most any other kind of meat on a lunch sandwich.

What animal does lunch meat come from?

Normally pork - pig. Turkey lunchmeat comes from turkey breasts. Chicken from chicken, beef from cows and Ham from pigs.

How many calories in turkey lunch meat?

It is approximately 29-35 calories per ounce, or 28g, of deli turkey depending on the brand and what has been added.

Will 20lbs of sliced turkey lunch meat be enough to feed 60 woman sandwich's?

it will make 100 sands with 3 oz of turkey per person

What are the benefits of using brine for turkey?

The benefit of using brine for turkey is to give flavor to the turkey meat. It can also add moisture to the meat to prevent it from drying out. It can make the meat more tender too.

How much lunch meat and cheese for 80 people?

I have researched this and you should provide about 4 oz of lunch meat and 3 oz of cheese per person. For heartier appetites you buy ham and turkey then you can reduce the meat to 3 oz each per person 3 oz of ham and 3 oz of turkey Hope that helps.

Do they have any vegetarian food specialities in Turkey?

I love to eat Tofurkey lunch meat sandwiches. they sell the fake lunch meat at regular grocery stores from time to time, but it is easier to find them at a trader joe's or whole foods.

Can you give a praying mantis lunch meat?

You can, but it cannot eat it. Mantids bite their prey, and injest its juices. Lunch meat has no juices therein, so the mantis cannot digest it.

How much is lunch meat?

why is duck? 100.000 lunch meat

How long can you keep turkey lunch meat in the refrigerator?

It is safe to keep cooked turkey meatloaf out of the refrigerator for a short period of time. It shouldn't stay out longer than an hour.