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Ferrets should not be given any dog chews like rawhide, pig ears, etc.. they don't have the ability to digest them and could cause stomach blockage and death. there are chew treats made especially for ferrets - Ferret Super Chews, Super Foamy Fries and N-bone Ferret Chew Treats (they love these

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Q: Can you give your ferret hide to chew?
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I ask because my bros new ferret Cusco seems to like to chew on the towel we laied down for his cage. He is still pretty young. Is it safe for a ferret to chew a towel?

Not it is not safe for a ferret to chew on a towel. Young baby ferrets are teething and need chew toys made for ferrets like "n-bone" and feed dry ferret food.

Is it bad to put plastic tape in a ferret's cage?

The ferret might chew on the tape and cause stomach problems

What if your ferret is not as active as it usually is but shows no sign of any listed illness?

Ferret tend to hide their illnesses, it may be time for a checkup at the veterinarians

How can a ferret fall 10 feet and not get hurt?

Was the ferret examined by a veterinarian. He may be hurt, but not showing symptoms yet, ferrets will hide or mask their pain.

How long does it take for a ferret to give birth?

An average of 42 days is the time is takes for a ferret to give birth.

What does blackfooted ferret play?

my ferret, kooperton, who is a blackfooted ferret plays tag and hide and go seek, he also plays aattack the human, and pulls off my socks. Ferrets play a lot and play everything

Where would a ferret hide?

When you get a ferret, the first thing you need to do is proper training for your ferret to come to you when called. That can be done with a toy with a bell or squeaker (or anything that makes noise and attracts their attention) while calling their name and using treats. If your ferret is in a place that you can't find him, he should come to you unless fallen asleep. Ferrets should never hide from humans - unless they are being abused or not taken care of properly. Properly socialized ferrets will seek humans and not hide.

What if your ferret is overdue her kits?

If your ferret is overdue to give birth, she needs to be seen by a veterinarian asap.

What food do you give a hunting ferret?

Feed your ferret it's regular meal in the morning. When hunting take some treats and plenty of water for your ferret.

How do Ferret give birth?

A ferret can have 2 litters a year with an average of 8 kits per litter

Can you give your ferret Aspirin for pain?

No, take it to a vet.

What kind of medicine do you give a ferret?

lazer eyes