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It is not recommended because just like a human baby needs either human breast milk or human formula, baby kittens need either cat breast milk or kitten formula.

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Q: Can you give your kitten human breast milk?
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Can baby kittens drink human milk?

Probably, but I really wouldn't recommend it... Why do you want to give human milk to a kitten? Who wants to give their milk to a kitten? :S

Can cats drink human breast MILK?

doubt it, but even if you could, animals are born with teeth!

Can a mother dog breast feed an orphan kitten?

Yes. It's milk.

Is a dogs breast milk the same as human milk?


Can a cat drink milk from a dog?

Yes. Based on my experience, kittens can and will nurse from a dog. Introduce the kitten slowly to the dog. Allow the dog to sniff and lick the kitten. Then, place the kitten on the breast of the nursing mother dog. I'm not sure if the dog's milk has all the nutrients required for the kitten to survive on this alone so I would use this method as a supplement. Purchase some kitten replacement milk and a pet feeding bottle from the pet store or vet's office and bottle feed as often as you can.

If you got breast milk in your breast how to get rid of it?

There are pills the doctor can give you.

What is the normal pH of human breast milk?


How do you care for kitten with an allergy to cows milk?

Avoid giving it cows milk, and give it goats milk instead.

Can you feed a baby deer evaporated milk?

No give it breast milk

What animals milk resembles humans milk?

It is said that the cow's milk is very similar to human breast milk. A protein called lysozyme is abundant in human breast milk and is highly necessary to a nursing baby. It helps to fight certain bacteria that can cause serious infection. Traces of lysozyme have been found in dairy cows' milk. This makes the cow's milk the most similar to human breast milk.

Can you let puppies drink mothers milk with milk fever got calcium pills from vet?

Ask your primary care doctor if you can give your puppy human breast milk... don't ask your vet because if he can make $$ he will and not give you an honest answer.

What does it mean if a kitten is cold?

It means that your kitten is cold. You can wrap it in a blanket and gently rub it softly to try to warm it up. Maybe wrap it in an electric blanket.