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Q: Can you glue a nose piece back to your glasses with model glue?
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You can glue it back on, but don't use rubber cement. Most model glues will work fine and even better is super glue!

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When glasses break how and what materials do they use to fix them?

do you mean glasses to wear or glasses to drink from? With glasses to wear, the lens falls out. they use a special kind of glue and some wire to stick it back into place, and then screw it in. With drinking glasses, they are VERY hard to repair, but I guess glue and a lot of time and patience would do the trick

How do you fix a broken bakugan that had a piece chipped off?

Hot Glue It Back Together

Can you use other glue besides model glue for models?

if it is a plastic model kit you can use super glue, but not wood glue.

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Can you use super glue to stick the stem of a champagne flute back on?

After I broke one of my wife's favorite glasses, no glue worked. I called a glass shop in the area that made glass art and he used a torch and melted them back together making a solid and permanent fix.

What do you glue a citadel fine cast model with?

Super Glue

What glue would be use to glue glass crystals to wine glasses?

To glue glass crystals to wine glasses a clear epoxy resin would be best, or a waterproof cyanoacrylate (most are water soluble so the crystals will come off after several washes).

How do you make a badge?

to start you get a round piece of cardboard and a circular piece of paper and glue together then get a pin puncture just under the paper and back up again on the other side of the cardboard get another piece of paper the same size and colour in you can also get wrapping paper if you preferred glue on and you have YOUR OWN BADGE!

What is pva wood glue used for?

Wood Glue is used to glue a broken piece of wooden chair back together or any other type of wooden things that brake. Wood Glue is used for wood only.