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Im not quite sure what a sulfur pool is. but i wouldn't recommend it, the chemicals in the pool are prob gunna do nothing but bad for your tattoo.

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4y ago

Don’t ever go in a pool of sulfur!

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Q: Can you go in to a sulfur pool with a 4 week old tattoo?
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Can you tattoo over a week old tattoo?

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Usually it is an imbalance of chlorine or PH, which lets algae live in the pool.

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Not if the tattoo is healing normally e.g. no pus, oozing, or broken skin. If your tattoo IS looking sore, don't risk it until it has completely healed. Not if the tattoo is healing normally e.g. no pus, oozing, or broken skin. If your tattoo IS looking sore, don't risk it until it has completely healed.

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