

Can you go swimming without tampond while on your period?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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if you want everyone to see you're on your period, then yeah

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Q: Can you go swimming without tampond while on your period?
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Can a girl exercise on her period?

Yes! of course a girl can exercise on her period. If you/she does any type of swimming then a tampon will be in need while swimming. If your more athletic then a pad or panty liner is probably the most comfortablest.

What are the worst things to do while on your period?

well, the worst thing is changing the pad. But! the worst thing to to is go swimming without a tampon in its very embarrassing if someone sees you with a pad in swimming! pads are adsorbent but not that adsorbent! Take my advice as a lifesaving device!

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Yes, you can have spotting without a period while using an IUD.

Tampons and swimming?

You don't have to use tampons to swim while on your period. You can use menstrual cups and softcups for swimming, as well as safer than tampons cups can be worn with light flow which tampons can't, menstrual cups also don't leak like other options. You can also simply sit-out of swimming while you're on your period, it's up to you what you use and what you do on your period.

Can you still go swimming if you have a period?

You can, but for the safety of others in the pool {And to avoid embarrassment}, you should use a tampon while in the water.

Can girls still swim even if they on their period?

yes of course you can swim when your on your period water prevends the blood from getting released from your body. So as long as your not in the water for a long period of time then your fine.

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not while swimming, for diving, helps you concentrate

What is the meaning of swimming out?

The clothing you would wear while swimming is the definition of swimming out.

Would it be ok if someone swam for like thirty minutes while that person was on her period?

Yes, having a period does not make them dangerous to someone elses heath or their own. It would be like swimming normally, provided that the girl were still wearing some sort of protection, as she would if she were not swimming.

Is it safe to tan while on your period?

yes its perfectly fine...tanning while on your period will do you nothing! :) but i suggest that if your going to tan without undergarments to wear a tampon! :) hollayyy