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A warrant in debt is not an arrest warrant: it generally is a judgment against you and a notice that you are in debt to another person or an entity. You can never go to jail just for owing money to anyone or anyplace else, unless the debt was the result of a crime committed, such as a bad check.

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Q: Can you go to jail for a warrant in debt?
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Related questions

What is the debt with warrants?

There is no warrant for nonpayment of a dept. People do not go to jail for nonpayment of dept any more.

If you had a prior offense before the warrant can you still just pay and not go to jail?

No, the warrant has to be satisfied. YOU HAVE TO GO TO JAIL.

Will you go to jail with a white warrant?

Yes. A "white warrant" means a warrant issued for a parole/probation revocation.

How serious is a warrant for cutting off your house arrest bracelet?

a warrant is a warrant.. you go to jail and you do not pass go...Added: Very serious. You are confined to house arrest in lieu of going to jail. Cutting off your GPS monitoring device is like breaking out of jail.

How long can you go to jail for Federal warrant?

It depends on what the offense is that you are wanted for.

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If can prove you paid your debt can you still go to jail?

Get a lawyer. Fast. If you paid, you shouldn't have to go to jail.

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Can you still go to jail when you are out on bailout now there's a governor's warrant?

Yes, the governors warrant, (usually an extradition warrant) takes precedence over your being out on bail.

Can you go to jail for a debt that is over 10 yrs old?

Yes, it is certainly possible. Typically it won't occur though. Unless there is criminal activity involved, such as fraud, courts don't sentence people to jail on a civil debt. For example a criminal offender is granted probation and is ordered by the Court to pay restitution to the victim. The offender stops reporting to his probation officer and does not pay the restitution as ordered so a warrant gets issued. The warrant will not go away until the offender is arrested even after ten years.

What happens if you are caught drinking and driving?

You will either get a ticket or go to jail. Ticket:If you have no warrant or havent done it before Jail:If you do have a warrant and are caught

Can you go to jail for non payment of the remaining debt of repossessd car?
