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Q: Can you grow an apple tree from the apple seeds that you ate?
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he ate a apple from a tree

Who ate the apple from the forbidden tree - Adam or Eve?

Both ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil: a serpent tempted Eve who ate it first and then offered the forbidden fruit to Adam. But the bible never identifies that fruit as being an apple...

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If you ate a watermelon outdoors and dropped some seeds a watermelon could grow if in the right conditions.

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Persephone did eat something in the Underworld. She was given pomegranate seeds to eat, which she did, thus binding her to the Underworld for half of the year.

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It must be ate and pooped out. then it uses the nutrients from the poop to grow.

Where do apple's come form?

If you mean the fruit, like apple pie, they came from the Middle East, or places like Israel and Syria. The modern apple is very much improved, and the old ones were small and bitter and sour. Sometimes you can find an old abandoned farm with abandoned apples growing. They are not always pleasant. A lot of apples are hybrids, so if you buy an apple from the store and save the seeds, guess what? The seeds might grow and not be the same as the apple you ate.

What did god do when eve ate from the tree?

When god spoke to them , they were hiding, god punished both of them and chased them out of Eden. Apples grow on apple trees, but what fruit grows on the tree of knowledge of good and evil? Do a search: The First Scandal Adam and Eve. Please.

What did free settlers eat?

They ate berries,apple's,and hunted for meat

What kind of huts do the Creek Indians live in?

they ate food that they grow. they used the seeds to grow it. they live in log shelters.they look like houses, but they are not.

What is the name of the apple which Adam ate?

The Bible refers to it as "the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil," or "the forbidden fruit." (Genesis 2 and 3) The tree itself is also referred to as the "tree of life." We don't know if it was actually an apple at all.

How did the lump come in your throat from Adam eating the apple from eve?

First off, who said Adam or Eve ate an apple? If you read the scripture it says they took and ate from the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil. This is not an apple tree it is a tree of knowledge of good and evil. What does this type of fruit look like might be the real question to ask as well as "Is this fruit of knowledge of good and evil actually physical fruit that you pluck from a tree or is it something more....?

When Franny explains to Charlie why he got fired in flowers for algernon where is the biblical allusion?

It was Evil when Eve ate the apple from the tree of knowledge. It was Evil when she saw herself naked. If not for that then none of us would grow old and die.